Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

What's For Dinner? (One Week of Meals)

Hello, Daily Connoisseurs. I am back from my summer break! It feels wonderful to be back. I always miss the blog when I leave. We have had such a nice summer. We have thoroughly enjoyed our "staycation" at home with the baby. He is so snuggly and cuddly and delightful, I am enjoying every single moment with him.

My oldest daughter is back to school and we are back into our routine again. The baby is very happy to go along for the ride.

While I was away from the blog, I shot this video, showing you one week of dinners in our house. This is a typical week for us, full of many family favorites.

Here was the week's menu:

Sunday: Turkey meatloaf with mashed potatoes and broccolette

Monday: Pasta marinara, spinach avocado salad and bread rolls

Tuesday: Turkey and spinach tacos on corn tortillas with salsa and guacamole

Wednesday: Cottage Pie with steamed corn and tomato salad

Thursday: Rotisserie chicken with saut�ed squash and spinach

Friday: Furikake salmon with brown rice and broccolette

Saturday: Chicken nuggets with mashed sweet yam and sweet corn

Be sure to check out this week's video to see all of the meals. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel (and be sure to subscribe!) at

I am featured in the BBC's article called, Meet the people with almost nothing in their closets.

Comment of the Week

Jen M writes:
Hello Jennifer, It would be a year ago that I watched your Ted lecture on the 10 Item Wardrobe. I was fascinated and loved the idea, so I bought and read your first book, and have been working on incorporating so many elements that you present in my daily life since then! What a joy you are! I love your honesty and transparency in your weekly messages and feel each time like I am catching up with a dear friend! Thank you Jennifer for being a voice of common sense and elegance. I am looking forward to reading your other books and hope that your message of everyday beauty continues to spread!

Dear Jen, Thank you for your kind comment. I enjoy hearing from the people who find the ten-item wardrobe via the TEDx talk. Welcome to The Daily Connoisseur community!

I am so excited for this new season of The Daily Connoisseur. I have many videos coming up that I know you will enjoy.

I would love to know what your favorite family dinners are. Did you enjoy this video? Would you like to see more videos like this? Let me know in the comment section below. Also, if you have any requests for the upcoming season of The Daily Connoisseur, please leave them below as well.

See you soon!

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