I've had many fall makeup requests over the past few weeks, so today I'm showing you the eye shadow palette I have been using for the fall season, the BECCA Ombre Rouge eyeshadow palette.
I have been wearing the same eyeshadow combinations for a while now, and felt like trying something new, so I picked up this palette. I wasn't sure I would like it because of the tinges of red (hence the 'rouge') in the shades, but I was pleasantly surprised! These are very natural looking shades that would be universally flattering. I like them because they bring out my eye color and are still quite subtle.
In this week's video, I apply the eyeshadow and show you swatches. I also give a quick tutorial on how to apply eyeshadow on a hooded eye. Whether you have this palette, or not, I hope I provide inspiration to use whatever fall makeup you do have to change your le no makeup look with the season.
Also featured in the video are the usual suspects, YSL Faux Cils burgundy mascara, Urban Decay primer potion, Laura Mercier Eye Art Artist's Palette and CHANEL Rouge Coco lipstick in Mademoiselle. On my nails is OPI Barefoot in Barcelona.
I hope you enjoy this week's video!
The Slovak translation of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available from Ikar.
The Madame Chic Collection box set comes out next week! Pre-order now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Comment of the Week
From last week's Facebook Etiquette discussion,
On YouTube, Kristen C. writes:
This is a great video. My general rule of thumb is: if you wouldn't want to see it on a billboard while driving down the freeway, don't post it online. This may sound a bit extreme, but you never know what can happen after you've shared something. No matter how good you think your privacy settings are, the things you post can be discovered, even after you've deleted them. Another thing to think about (that most people don't consider) is how your social media accounts could be used against you in a lawsuit. I am a paralegal, and I have seen so many cases where Facebook pages, and even text messages, are used to great advantage (or disadvantage, depending on your perspective). As we were told in paralegal school, always behave as though the judge were looking over your shoulder. In other words, be courteous and gracious, particularly in times of disagreement. If someone has wronged you, give that person every chance to make things right.?
Hi Kristen, Your advice really reinforces that what we post on Facebook is important. Thank you for sharing your experience as a paralegal with us!
This week, I would love to know... what is your favorite fall makeup right now? Do you have hooded eyelids like me? What are your tricks for applying makeup?
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