Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Children Crash BBC Interview + My Stressful TEDx Moment | Teatime with Jennifer

Thank you for all of your great comments on Monday's ten-item wardrobe prep video. It was a fun video to shoot and I look forward to sharing the rest of my process with you.

In today's episode of Teatime with Jennifer, we are discussing the viral video that is being called the funniest video of the year. In it, Korean politics expert, Robert Kelly, was giving an interview to the BBC when his commentary was interrupted by his adorable children. If you haven't seen the video, check it out before watching my Teatime video. It will make much more sense to you! Check out the viral video here from the BBC.

In today's chat, we talk about the challenges of working from home, my thoughts on the hilarious video and my own stressful on-camera moment from my TEDx talk.

Articles discussed in the video:

The Daily Mail article, The Telegraph article, Anatomy of a Masterpiece and my TEDx talk on the ten-item wardrobe.

Also, Robert Kelly released this statement on his blog yesterday clearing up some of the confusion.

Here are some Instagram pics from Italy to Japan...

? #jenniferlscott

A post shared by Valentina ?? (@valentina____92) on

And a beautiful photo of At Home with Madame Chic from @thelittlestbookshelf

And around the blogosphere...

Mrs. Mark Howard discusses the economy of attire and takes inspiration from The Daily Connoisseur blog.

Comment of the Week
Sheila writes: Thank you for the reminder that we don't need to be fashionistas and follow the trends. I started thinking about my spring/summer wardrobe a few weeks ago and fell into the 'what's in style' rabbit hole - when in fact I have nearly enough presentable options already in my closet. I've minimized quite a bit over the last few years but have never taken the plunge into true 10 item wardrobe. I think this may finally be the year! Thank you again for a much needed dose of reality.?

Hello Sheila, I always get so excited for people who are about to embark on the ten-item wardrobe. You can do it! Please return and let us know how it goes for you.

Question of the Week
Alice writes: I am a 70-year-old retiree. Over the winter, I have fallen into the habit of wearing my flannel "granny" gowns and robes throughout the days when I know that I won't be going out. (I am a real nester and stay inside whenever possible during cold weather.) I purchased 3 dresses for winter that were really expensive and beautiful. I want them to last forever. So, here is my problem: I don't want to wear them around the house because I want them to look fresh and new always. Now, when I put one of them on, I feel so good. They are all comfortable, they're actually the same style, and I enjoy how I look in them. How do I get over this mindset that they must be "saved" for when I go out? Mostly, the only "person" who sees me at home in these dresses is my dog Jax, but he really doesn't care what I wear. He likes me just fine in anything. How do I get past this and enjoy these beautiful dresses on a daily basis? Have you confronted this strange problem before?

Hello Alice, thank you for your comment. Your problem isn't strange, it's actually quite common! Most people, including myself, are afflicted with this desire to save our best things for later. The only way to get over this is to force yourself to use your best every day. It will feel awkward at first, but force yourself to wear your nice dresses, even if you have nowhere to go. Eventually it will become a habit and you will see the folly of your old ways. You will notice that you will feel better and little things in your life will start to change. Even if your dog, Jax, is the only one to see you each day, you will notice an internal change. Please try it out and come back to let us know how you do!

I hope you enjoy today's episode of Teatime! I would love to know... what did you think about the viral video? Did you find it as funny as I did? Do you work from home? Have you had any stressful work-from-home moments? Have you had any stressful or embarrassing things happen to you in a public forum? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.

See you on Monday for a Shop with Me Ten-Item Wardrobe video!

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