Senin, 04 September 2017

Ten-Item Wardrobe Look-Back SS 2017

Hello Daily Connoisseurs,

In today's video, I go through my spring/summer wardrobe to decide what stays and what goes. I hope you will join me as I look-back at my ten-item wardrobe from the past season.

At the end of each season, it's a great idea to assess your wardrobe. If you get in the habit of going through each item and analyzing how it performed for you, you will continue to remain thoughtful about your ten-item wardrobe and not slip into filling your closet with clothes again. Why? Because each item is special and has a purpose. After deciding what stays and what goes, store your clothes away so you can focus on your fall/ winter wardrobe. When you bring out your clothes again next spring, you will be excited to see them!

My tunic in this video is from zulily.


Take my new eCourse on the ten-item wardrobe! With over an hour of never-before-seen video instruction, notes and quizzes, you will be on track to creating your own ten-item wardrobe. For those of you who already do the ten-item wardrobe, this course will keep you on track and provide further inspiration. It's only $5. Enjoy!

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who are expecting their third child!

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At Home with Madame Chic has arrived for reader, Tracey.

Comment of the Week
Kait writes:
I really appreciate your planning and wardrobe videos. As I approach my 30s, I am more interested in quality clothes in smaller volumes than the "haul" approach I would have favored a few years ago, buying a large volume of cheap clothes. I just moved back to the US after spending the last decade in Europe and I have found it incredibly difficult to find good quality clothes, but your videos always help point me in the right direction! Thank you for taking the time to share the brands and styles that have worked for you.

Hi Kait, I appreciated your comment about hauls. Thank you for sharing your evolving journey with us!

Be sure to stop by the blog tomorrow for a special post from sharing some gorgeous fall looks...

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