Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Have the Books Changed Me? Bridal Party Drama? Help with Routines? Reader Q&A

Part 3 of the reader Q&As continues today with a special appearance from Mr. Connoisseur at the beginning of the video. Have the books changed me? What do my friends think of the Madame Chic books? What should you do when you are in a bridal party and everyone around you lacks poise? How can I implement routines into my home life? All of these questions are answered in today's video plus much more.

I hope you will join me for the Mapp & Lucia book club at the end of June!

Here is a snapshot of the two volume Lessons from Madame Chic comic books from Harper Collins Japan...

Jezball Adventures shares The Madame Chic Collection...

So very excited to start reading. #jezballadventures #thedailyconnoisseur #jenniferlscott #madamechic ????

A post shared by JezelleM (@jezballadventures) on

Comment of the Week
Amy writes: I grew up on a farm surrounded by hardworking men and women and we learned an appreciation for honest, hard work. No one I know would find this fashion trend to be acceptable in any way. Most folks who have jobs that get them this dirty want nothing more than to get home scrub up in the shower and put on fresh, clean clothes as a reward for that hard work. My father wouldn't have sat at our dinner table looking like that let alone have gone out to a restaurant or a movie. He would have considered it disrespectful to himself and to others. I'm assuming if you are spending $425 on these jeans, you would wear them anywhere. I find it disrespectful to socialize looking like this and hope folks have more sense than to buy into this fad.

Hi Amy, I loved your comment on the Fake Mud Jeans post. It's nice hearing your perspective having grown up on the farm. Your father sounds like a wonderful man! Thank you to you and everyone who commented.

I would love to hear your thoughts on today's discussion topics. Have you ever been in a group of peers and felt uncomfortable with their behavior? What did you learn from it? Where do you struggle with routines in your home life? What are your successes with routines? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur!

If you have any questions you'd like to submit for a future reader Q&A, you may leave a comment here, or email me privately via my author website. Please note: due to the large volume of emails I receive, I am not always able to respond. I do read every email and appreciate every one!

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