Kamis, 14 April 2016

Common Courtesy Follow-Up Discussion

This week's video, Common Courtesy Etiquette Discussion, had such an electrifying response from The Daily Connoisseur community! I received hundreds of comments from readers who had common courtesy stories to share. There were encouraging stories of hope and horrifying stories of etiquette disasters. If you haven't had a chance yet, be sure to check the comments on YouTube, the blog and social media.

Today, I wanted to do a quick follow-up discussion to address a few popular topics from the comments:

- What do you do with unwanted attention from someone you have extended common courtesy to?

- How do you maintain safety while using common courtesies?

- Is rudeness more prevalent in big cities?

- Male roles in society with regard to the modern woman.

- What is a teacher with disrespectful students to do?

- and lastly... Where did all the gentlemen go? (Hint: It's where all the ladies went!)

Check out this special bonus video for the answers to these questions and more. If you cannot see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

Tomorrow, Friday, April 15th, the Czech edition of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is released. Thank you to all of the Czech readers for embracing the Madame Chic books. I hope you enjoy this latest edition!

Comments of the Week

There were so many comments that I could have chosen for this post. It's nearly impossible to choose! Thank you for all of your stories and wonderful insights. Here are two interesting ones to think about:

Emily G writes: Thank you for taking up this torch! About two years ago, the art teachers at my son's school did such a good job hosting the school art show, I could tell a lot of work went into it. So I wrote the organizers a thank you note. A few days later after sending the note, I ran into the art teacher and she told me that I was the first parent in 14 years to write her a thank you note. I was stunned.

Hi Emily, I love thank you notes for this very reason. They really do mean a lot to the recipient, especially in this day and age where fewer and fewer people send them.

Stephanie W. writes: I am so glad you spoke about this today. I would like to share a story. I was listening to the radio one day and the host of the show was talking about how he tried to hold the door open for a woman coming into the gas station behind him and she proceeded to chew his head of for holding the door open for her. For the next hour the program took calls and other people told their similar stories... I think there are some people who would normally help someone but have been bullied into thinking they are wrong for doing so. I think it is very important to show gratitude in these types of situations. You really don't know who is watching.

Hi Stephanie, this is very interesting! I would love to have listened to that show to hear what the callers had to say. Be sure to watch today's video because I do touch on this subject.

As always, I would love to hear from you. Let me know what your thoughts are on the subjects discussed in today's video. Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week!

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