Senin, 07 November 2016

French Weight Loss Secrets Part 1- No (Mindless) Snacking

I recently received a request from a reader who wanted me to discuss French weight loss secrets. This week will be dedicated to the subject, with a post on Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

My discussions will be based on Part 1 of Lessons from Madame Chic, which focuses on diet and exercise. I have discussed these concepts before, but felt they need to be revisited, not only on the blog, but personally for myself as I am in the process of losing weight after having my third child.

Today's topic is no (mindless) snacking, or snacking is so not chic!

As a lifelong chronic snacker, I found it very shocking to live in a household that did not snack. This was the case when I moved to Paris to live with Madame Chic and her family.

They did not snack.


I know.

Now, I have no idea if all French people are like this. I'm sure the answer is, non. But as I always say when I write about my stay with Famille Chic, I am just sharing my singular experience with a particular French family, and how it changed my life. And Famille Chic did not snack.

For many of us, however, not snacking is not an option. We get hungry. The day is long. Some of us have a medical condition that requires us to eat several times throughout the day. I do have a snack each day, however, I aim to avoid mindless snacking.

What are some examples of mindless snacking? Eating out of a bag of potato chips while leaning over the kitchen sink. Having a carton of ice cream while watching television. Snacking on old Halloween candy the entire time you cook dinner (I have to admit, I did this last week!!).

In this week's video, I urge you to get intentional about what you eat. If you are going to have a snack, prepare it nicely, as you would a meal. Avoid eating out of bags or cartons. Avoid doing other things while you eat. This will allow you to be more conscious when you are eating, and you are less likely to overdo it.

There is much more discussed in this week's video. I do hope you'll check it out!


The Madame Chic Collection is now available! It makes the perfect gift for this upcoming holiday season. Above, you can see Simon & Schuster's Instagram post on the collection.

Comment of the Week
Amirah R. writes:

Hello Jennifer, thank you for your teachings. I bought your book Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic. I'm almost done reading it. As I've grown and matured in life I have had a strong desire to be more classy and lady like, I didn't even know where to begin so when I ran across your book at the book store I had to purchase it and it is so enlightening. Now this evening I found you on YT after watching a video on dining etiquette. I had to subscribe. A lady even stopped me in the hall at work and to me that I presented myself in a classy manner when I'm walking in the halls and from the way I hold my head up and smile when I'm walking. I was so encouraged...what I have read in your book is actually taking form in my day to day, little by little. Thanks a million ??

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Amirah! The changes that come with cultivating poise can make everyday life so exciting. I'm very happy for you!

This week I would love to know... do you struggle with snacking? Are you happy with your weight? Do you have a weight loss goal? What's your story? Let us know, and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.

*** As you might have noticed, I am rarely able to respond to each individual comment. This also includes the emails I receive through my author website. I want to reassure you that I read every comment and email, and that I truly do appreciate every one. In this season of my life, baby snuggles are taking priority over everything! Thank you in advance for your understanding.

See you on Wednesday for part two of the series!

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